Monday 19 July 2010


The climactic scene in 'Sweet Tooth', in which I get to grips with a newly-endowed Roscoe. It won Best Scene at the 1996 XVNs and did more than anything else to launch me and Roscoe to global stardom. In 2000, XVN judges awarded it the prestigious 'Scene Of The Millennium'.

Wednesday 14 July 2010


This is an interview Kola did with a Saturday magazine when she was just getting known:

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

You can't beat a good screw.

What is your greatest fear?

A world without sex.

With which historical figure do you most identify?

Ginger Lynn.

Which living person do you most admire?

My mum.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

Sometimes I can get a little giddy.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?


What has been your most embarrassing moment?

You name it, I've done it.

What is your greatest extravagance?

My boobs.

What objects do you always carry with you?

My boobs.

What do you most dislike about your appearance?

My boobs could be bigger.

What is your favourite smell?


Do you believe in capital punishment?


Which words or phrases do you most over-use?

"Fuck me!"

What is your greatest regret?

It's not what you're thinking.

What would your motto be?

You only live once.

How would you like to die?

By orgasm.

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

Don't take shit off nobody.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Sweet Tooth

This is a still from one of the most famous scenes in 'Sweet Tooth', in which my ateempts to steal the last batch of Golden Kubes from Dr Malteser's factory is thwarted by the unexpected return of Peachy Bonbon and, ultimately, Dr Malteser himself. This scene won the 1996 XVN Award for best threesome.

Early shot

This is maybe the first topless shot I ever did. We were messing in the caravan one day, me posing up and my brother clicking out the Polaroids. I just hooked up her top and told him, try this. He tried it all right. I don't mind admitting, I got a buzz like no other. There was pretty much no stopping me after this.

Monday 12 July 2010

Kola Kubes

Sex star, serious actress, global icon, most wanted fugitive, all that shit. Most of all, Kola Kubes was my sister. The good folk of Fryup may have turned their backs on her on account of what she got up to, but far as I'm concerned they ought to be mighty proud of a girl who actually got up off her arse and made a little something of her life. It's too bad it went and ended the way it did, but if you read half the shit they spewed in the tabloids you might easy come round to reckoning it was best for all concerned. Well, I saw it as my duty to lay down her side of the story. I spent nights typing out how it was and it's too bad none of those publisher types have wanted so much as a whiff of it yet. That's why I figure this blog's better than nothing in the meantime. I'll post a few interview clips and one or two of our old Polaroid shots once I come round to daring. As Kola used to say, stuff has a habit of popping up when you least expect it.